Abashaka akazi mu bigo bitandukanye bya leta bareba ko bujuje ibisabwa, bagakurikiza amabwiriza ku  rubuga rwa Minisiteri ishinzwe abakozi ba leta.
Job Organization Deadline
1. Sexual and Reproductive Health Specialist (Under Contract) MINISTRY OF YOUTH 16/Nov/2018 Apply
2. Youth Centre Coordination Officer (Under Contract) MINISTRY OF YOUTH 16/Nov/2018 Apply
3. IT Technician of Muganza Telecenter/Under Contract RUSIZI DISTRICT 19/Nov/2018 Apply
4. RBC /SPIU Coordinator RWANDA BIO-MEDICAL CENTER 19/Nov/2018 Apply
5. Director of Master Plan Inspection CITY OF KIGALI 20/Nov/2018 Apply
6. Media and communication officer CITY OF KIGALI 20/Nov/2018 Apply
7. Protocol Officer OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER 20/Nov/2018 Apply
8. Community and Family-based Support Specialist (under contract) NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN 21/Nov/2018 Apply
9. Senior Programme Manager (under contract) NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN 21/Nov/2018 Apply
10. Child Rights Protection and Promotion Officer NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN 21/Nov/2018 Apply
11. Child Adoption and orphans Officer NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN 21/Nov/2018 Apply