New Cabinet: Uhuru retains six Cabinet Secretaries in first shake-up, his full statement

President Uhuru Kenyatta has retained six cabinet secretaries in his second term following last year re-election. Henry Rotich has been re-appointed Cabinet Secretary Treasury, Charles Keter (Energy), Joseph Mucheru (ICT), James Macharia (Transport) and Fred Matiangi (Interior and Coordination and Acting Education CS).

The 2010 constitution allows for a maximum of 22 ministries with women expected to a number of slots in the cabinet.  In December 2017, the Federation of Women Lawyers urged the president to name at least seven women to his second-term Cabinet. FIDA-Kenya chair Josephine Wambua-Mongare cited the constitutional requirement that not more than two-thirds of elected and appointed leaders be of one gender. In the mini-announcement, former Nakuru Governor Kinuthia Mbugua has been named State House Comptroller and Joseph Kinyua retained as the Head of Public Service. Wanyama Musiambo named Deputy Head Public Service and Nzioka Waita named Chief of Staff and Head Presidential Delivery Unit.

Full statement

“Fellow Kenyans, once again let me take this opportunity to wish each and everyone one of you a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Today, also, we celebrate our Kenyan children and indeed we should be proud of the achievements that we have made today.

Today being a historic milestone when we started the distribution of 33 million books to our children in our schools across the country.

For the first time in our history we have achieved a 1:1 ratio of book to child and this is first not just in Kenya but in many parts of the world. I am grateful that the Jubilee administration education reforms are gathering pace with the eventual roll out of our new curriculum.

Indeed as you may have heard, I have instructed the Ministry of Interior to work with the Ministry of Education to ensure that all our regional commissioners liaise with Regional Education coordinators to hold regional stakeholder meetings in all the regions of our country on education reforms, especially with regard to our new curriculum.

This will enable the public to participate and have a better understanding of the proposed new curriculum and its outcomes.

Indeed, all our children going to form one should start reporting next week and the Government has already released approximately Sh30 billion to all secondary schools in the increased capitation plan of supporting each and every learner with up to Sh22,400 to ensure that secondary education is accessible to all our children, and to ensure that we have equity across the country in terms of availability to education and equally to ensure that, as was there before, children who are still not of age and who couldn’t access secondary education are now able to access basic education until they are of a mature age.

Today, I call upon prudence in the use of all public resources meant for our children and this is not an issue, as I said this morning, that is debatable.

We must avoid wastage and misuse of these resources.

Fellow Kenyans, further to this and as I stated to you in my new year’s address, I did say that in the following weeks I will be announcing names of men and women who will join me in delivering our promises to Kenyans and today I wish to name a few of those to join me in working together to fulfil our agenda for Kenya and our fellow citizens.

Therefore, in accordance with the powers conferred upon me by Article 131 and 152 of our Constitution of Kenya 2010, I wish to state that I am retaining the following persons in my cabinet and shall reassign them accordingly their duties in accordance with article 152 (v (a)).

These are, The National Treasury Mr Henry K. Rotich, the Ministry of Tourism Hon Najib Balala, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development Mr James Macharia, the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of Government as well as Acting Minister for Education Dr Fred Matiang’i, the Ministry of Energy the Hon Charles Keter and the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology Mr Joseph Mucheru.

Presidency reorganisation
Further, in accordance with powers conferred upon me by Article 132 (iv)(a), I have made the following appointments; Head of of Public Service will continue to be Mr Joseph Kinyua, the Deputy Head of the Public Service will Mr Wanyama Musiambu, the Chief of staff and Head of the Presidential Delivery Unit will be Mr Nzioka Waita, the Comptroller of State House will be Mr Kinuthia Mbugua.

New cabinet nominees

In addition and by the authority conferred upon me by article 152 (ii), I have nominated and forwarded the names thereof to the Speaker of the National Assembly the following persons for positions of Cabinet Secretary Hon John Munyes, Hon Ukur Yattani and Mr Keriako Tobiko.
For Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, MrLawrence Lenayapa.

I have today accepted the resignation of Mr Keriako Tobiko as Director of Public Prosecution under Article 158 (ix) of the constitution of Kenya 2010.

Kenya Police Service

Further, in order to enhance service delivery and efficiency within the National Police Service, I have, in accordance with Article 132 of the Constitution of Kenya and section 17 of the National Police Service Act, made the following changes in the National police Service.

For re-deployment, the following have been redeployed to the Police Service Commission for further re-deployment:

1. Joel Mboya Kitili – Former Deputy Inspector- General, Kenya Police.

2. Samuel Arachi – Deputy Inspector-General, Administration Police Service.

3. Ndegwa Muhoro – Directorate of Criminal Investigations.


I would also like to inform the country that on the advice of the National Police Service Commission and in consultation with the Inspector-General (of Police) and (in line with) Regulation 26 of the National Police Service Commission Act Recruitment and Appointments Regulations 2015, the following officers are appointed in Acting capacity until processed by the commission in accordance with the said law and these are:
– Edward Njoroge Mbugua appointed to Acting Deputy Inspector-General-Kenya Police Service
– Noor Yarao Gabao (appointed) Acting Deputy Inspector-General, Administration Police Service
– George Maingi Kinoti (appointed) Acting Director, Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI).

Fellow Kenyans, as I have said, over the next few weeks, I will be making further announcements to fill cabinet positions, to fill the positions of Principal Secretaries as well as our Sagas (parastatals) as we continue to populate the government with those that will be charged with the responsibility of executing our agenda for the next five years.

I thank you and may God bless you and may God continue to bless the republic of Kenya.

Thank you very much.