Gov’t, CSOs meet to identify gaps affecting Malaria prevention

The Government of Rwanda and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) met in Kigali on Thursday, September 29, 2022, to discuss how to effectively implement interventions that address gaps in malaria prevention.

Participants included Rwanda Government agencies, Rwanda Biomedical Center(RBC) Districts representative, Security bodies, Civil society organizations; Rwanda NGO Forum on AIDS/HIV and Health Promotion (RNGOF on HIV/AIDS & HP) and representatives of Malaria easy to reach population groups from the city of Kigali to identify gaps affecting effective Prevention of Malaria and jointly plan for future interventions to achieve Zero Malaria.

Division Manager of Malaria and othe Parasitic diseases at RBC, Dr  Mbituyumuremyi Aimable stated that although the government has implemented many interventions to combat malaria, including the use of mosquito nets, insecticides, repellents, and larvicides (which are not yet widely known), there is still a risk of malaria infection.

He observed the demographic segments that were easiest to infect with malaria since they were among the most susceptible to the disease and because they spent more time outside at night, increasing their likelihood of being bitten by a mosquito. Sex workers, security personnel, rice farmers, hotel staff, employees of mining businesses, and students at boarding schools are among them.

Mbituyumuremyi noticed that they got together to discuss potential future actions to get rid of malaria infection in those groups.

“It was recommended by the Global Fund to ensure that all people at risk of malaria have equal services or equal chance of getting protected. That’s why we conduct that assessment to identify those vulnerable groups. So that we can put in place strong interventions addressing these gaps.”

Rwanda Government agencies and CSOs during the meeting

They pledged to apply new tactics for those categories in order to safeguard their employees.

Supt Francoise Nyirasafari from Rwanda Correction Services (RCS) and Nyarugenge Prison staffs said that they are going to plan the use repellents and larvicides to their staff as one tool to prevent them from malaria.

Representative of RCS (2nd, left) during the interventions

During the interventions, the Representative of Rwanda from Rwanda Correction Services (RCS) and Nyarugenge Prison management, Supt. Francoise Nyirasafari said that one measure they will do to protect their personnel from malaria is to plan the usage of repellents and larvicides.

The vice mayor of Kicukiro District in charge of economic development, Nsabiyumva Damien, made a commitment to meet with those groups in order to offer them with a package of information and raise awareness among those groups.

Representatives of Malaria easy to reach population groups

They intend to decentralize mosquito repellents and larvicides closer to citizens and targeted groups, as well as introduce fishes which live in small ponds and feed on mosquito eggs.

They have agreed to stand no one behind

The some meetings have been organized in different districts. According to Kabanyana Nooliet, the Executive Secretary of RNGOF on HIV/AIDS & HP, community involvement is crucial in planning, implementation and oversight of how services are provided to the community. They take on a significant ownership role once they are involved from the beginning and from the design.

By 2024, there is a strategic malaria reduction plan for 2019 at 50%. Global malaria and NTD targets WHO’s global malaria strategy for 2016–2030 aims to: reduce malaria case incidence by at least 90% by 2030, reduce malaria mortality rates by at least 90% by 2030, eliminate malaria in at least 35 countries by 2030 and prevent a resurgence of malaria in all countries that are malaria-free.

By Deus Ntakirutimana

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