Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger fined £40,000  and 3 match touchline ban after admitting misconduct charge

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger will serve a three-match touchline ban after he was charged with misconduct by the FA.

Branding decisions “farcical” and “scandalous”; saying referees “don’t work enough”; and accusing Raheem Sterling of “diving very well” – it feels like Arsene Wenger has been at loggerheads with officials all season.

A Football Association statement said the Frenchman admitted “his language and behaviour was abusive, improper and questioned the integrity of the match referee”.

Wenger was angered by referee Mike Dean after his side’s draw at The Hawthorns, where Calum Chambers conceded a late penalty for handball.

Wenger has also been fined £40,000 after admitting that his language and behaviour in the match officials’ changing room after the 1-1 Premier League draw at West Brom last Sunday was abusive, improper and questioned the integrity of the match referee as reported by Sky Sports.