UK Firm on Relocating Migrants to Rwanda Despite Challenges

The Secretary of State for Security in the British Government, Suella Braverman, has announced the government’s determination to proceed with its plan to send migrants to Rwanda, even in the face of legal challenges and opposition from the courts.

In April 2022, the United Kingdom entered into an agreement with Rwanda to address the issue of undocumented immigrants. The agreement aims to either help these individuals find a new life in Rwanda or facilitate their return to their home countries. This initiative applies to all those who have entered the UK illegally since January 1, 2022.

The British Government views this scheme as a potential solution to discourage individuals with illegitimate motives from attempting to enter the UK, thereby reducing the strain on the government’s resources in providing care for illegal immigrants.

However, this decision has faced resistance from various courts, which have argued that it is unconstitutional.

In an interview with the BBC, Suella Braverman expressed the government’s commitment to seeing the plan through, despite legal challenges. She criticized the European Court of Human Rights for allegedly politicizing the immigration issue and Britain’s chosen solution to it.

Braverman also conveyed the British Government’s readiness to withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights based in Strasbourg if the court continues to oppose the plan. Simultaneously, the government has brought the case before the Supreme Court to seek confirmation of the legality of sending migrants to Rwanda, after the Court of Appeal ruled against the program.

Braverman stated, “We will do everything within our power to uphold this initiative, irrespective of court decisions, including those from the Strasbourg court. If the courts reject it, we will explore all available alternatives.”

The ultimate goal, according to Braverman, is not only to fulfill the government’s commitments but also to deter migrants from attempting the dangerous journey across the English Channel.

On June 15, 2022, the first flight intended to transport migrants to Rwanda was halted abruptly by the European Court of Human Rights. Passengers had already boarded the plane, but they were removed following the court’s decision.

Braverman criticized the court’s interference, recalling a similar incident from the previous year when another flight was halted just before departure. Despite her frustration with what she perceives as a politicized court, Braverman clarified that there were no immediate plans to withdraw from it.

Recent statistics from the British Government indicate a significant increase in the number of migrants arriving in the UK via small boats across the English Channel, with figures rising from 28,526 in 2021 to 45,756 the following year.

The UK currently expends a minimum of £5.5 million annually to provide accommodations for illegal immigrants in hotels while their claims are processed.

As part of the agreement with Rwanda, the UK commits to providing necessary support for migrants upon their arrival in Rwanda.