GCS-Rwanda’s Second-Year Commitment: Transforming Lives Through School Feeding Programs in Kamonyi District

In a commendable effort to promote educational equality, Global Civic Sharing Rwanda (GCS-Rwanda), an international NGO, persists in its impactful school feeding program for the second year in Nyarubaka Sector, Kamonyi District. The organization generously sponsors nutritious meals for 421 students from vulnerable families across eight schools.

The recent event at GS Kagarama on January 19, 2024, marked a significant stride in addressing challenges faced by students and parents. The program, fully backed by GCS-Rwanda with a contribution of Rwf 1,200,000, ensures that children receive meals at school, eliminating hunger-related barriers to academic success.

Students are enjoying the meal
Students are savoring a meal at Kagarama School

Pastor Francois Xavier Mungarurire , overseeing the school feeding committee at GS Kagarama, expressed gratitude, stating,

 Your support allows our children to study without challenges. Many parents lack the economic capacity for school feeding. May you continue to be a blessing to Rwandans.”


Pastor Francois Xavier delivering his speech

Raphael Niyotwagira, DOS of GS Kagarama echoed appreciation, anticipating improved academic performance.

Mr. Raphael acknowledges GCS for their contribution to the students

Devothe Mukamana Devothe, Nyarubaka sector’s education Inspector, highlighted the positive impact on reducing children’s travel distance and overall performance improvement since the program’s inception.

Devothe Mukamana (a lady)mentioned that the contribution had a positive impact

She emphasized the program’s significance in addressing previous challenges, stating,

Before, students felt hungry, affecting their performance. Now they perform well because they are given food. Thank you to GCS for helping our children our citizen.”

Devothe Mukamana during her speech

As witness , Fabrice Iratuzi, a student beneficiary in S3, shared personal transformation, attesting to GCS’s impact. With GCS’s support, he improved from 60% to 80%, securing the top position in his class.

Alexandre commended GCS for its enduring contribution to education, such as constructing school rooms…

Nyarubaka Sector Council president, Mr Alexandre Kamegeri, commended GCS for its enduring contribution to education, mentioning initiatives such as constructing school rooms and teacher training. He urged students to seize the opportunity and study diligently to achieve their dreams.

DOSs have been given the contribution

The GCS country representative, Mr Aimable TWAGIRAYEZU underscored the organization’s commitment to socio-economic development through education support.

We do this out of love for our children, their parents, and this beautiful country,” he added, encouraging students to study seriously and pursue their dreams.

GCS Country Representative, Mr. Aimable, delivering key remarks during the event

He emphasizes GCS-Rwanda’s comprehensive approach, not only funding school feeding but also training committees for effective parent sensitization in the future.

Devothe Mukamana, Nyarubaka sector’s education Inspector praised this training, foreseeing positive outcomes in addressing challenges like irregular parent contributions.

Group photo

Parents contribute Rwf 975 per student per term in primary school, with the government covering the remaining Rwf 8,775, while in secondary school parents urged to pay Rwf 19,500 for their children in secondary day schools, including Technical and Vocational Education Training(TVET).

DOS has received the bank slip for the contribution

GCS-Rwanda’s continued commitment plays a crucial role in bridging financial gaps, ensuring every child’s right to education is upheld.

This NGO founded in 1998 with headquarters in South Korea, provides development aid to needy communities in various countries, including Vietnam, East Timor, Mongolia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Kenya.