Empowering Communities: GCS Milestone in Kamonyi District Unleashes Waves of Transformation

In the heart of Kamonyi District, a beacon of hope and change shines brightly, fueled by the unwavering commitment and compassion of the people guided by Global Civic Sharing Rwanda (GCS), a distinguished International Non-governmental Organization dedicated to uplifting citizens in the Nyarubaka Sector of Kamonyi District through the formation of Self-Help Groups (SHGs).

The recent graduation ceremony of Self-Help Groups, held on the 30th of November 2023, not only signifies an accomplishment but also stands as a testament to the transformative power of community-driven development.

GCS has played a pivotal role in fulfilling promises and propelling community development forward in the Nyarubaka sector of Kamonyi District in Rwanda’s southern province. Under the guiding principle of “Think of People; Hope for Change,” GCS has left an indelible mark, uplifting 15 groups through the formation of 40 self-help groups, comprising more than 1300 residents. Notably, 20 groups successfully graduated within this framework on November 30, 2023.

The ceremony showcased the fruition of GCS’s initiatives in the Self-Reliance Project for Vulnerable People based on civil empowerment in Rwanda, encompassing livestock improvement, farming, and small business ventures. This impactful work was made possible with the invaluable assistance of Global Civic Sharing, generously funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

Strength in Unity, Triumph in Growth: GCS Self-Help Groups Graduation

Bizimana Emmanuel, a representative of the graduates, expressed profound gratitude, stating,

GCS has not only helped us form Self-Help Groups (SHGs); they have empowered us to stand on our own. We pool our resources, save, and engage in collective trade.”

He emphasized tangible outcomes, saying,

Especially in our group, consisting of 24 members, we now boast more than 1,300,000 Rwandan Francs available for lending.” The impact extends to members acquiring farms, livestock, paying school fees, and implementing innovative housing solutions.”

Bizimana Emmanuel, a representative of the graduates, expressed profound gratitude

GCS has deposited over 21 million Rwandan Francs into SACCO Dusize ubukene Nyarubaka. This annual support, expertly managed by the Nyarubaka Community Development Committee (NCDC), ensures the continuity of GCS projects.

SACCO Manager, Sindayigaya François, commended the SHGs for their real-time loan repayment, underscoring the tangible impact of GCS’s financial assistance. The GCS impact transcends financial aid, encompassing extensive training, agro-inputs, and technological know-how. Two cooperatives have emerged, exemplifying sustainable growth and collaboration.

Ngoga Eustache, in charge of Administration and finance at Sector Nyarubaka, expressed gratitude for GCS’s contribution to changing perceptions and fostering development. They acknowledged the positive impact on cooperatives and loan groups, affirming pride in their collaborative efforts with GCS to improve the lives of the sector’s residents.

Mr. NGOGA Eustache, Representative of Nyarubaka Sector Executive Sector, expresses heartfelt gratitude for GCS’s transformative contributions, changing perceptions, and fostering development

Aimable Twagirayezu, the GCS Country Representative, commended the SHGs for their transformative journey, emphasizing GCS’s mission of promoting sustainable development and community self-reliance.

We have supported five SHGs and plan to fortify 20 more for future graduation,”

he declared.

In the wise words of TWAGIRAYEZU Aimable, Country Representative of GCS in Rwanda: ‘No one raises a child in such a way that they are unable to grow; rather, it takes time to nurture them to grow and fill their parents’ shoes

Twagirayezu added,

No one raises a child in such a way that they are unable to grow; rather, it takes time to nurture them to grow and fill their parents’ shoes.” He assured continued support, stating, “We won’t abandon them; we will assist them in various ways, especially in technical matters.”

Uzziel Niyongira, Vice Mayor in charge of economic development of Kamonyi District, acknowledged GCS’s indispensable role in uplifting farmers and contributing to national development.

GCS is responsive to the needs of the people, actively enhancing their lives and contributing to our overall progress,”

Stated Niyongira during the official opening ceremony of a cassava processing facility in June 2023.

During Kamonyi Open and Exhibition Day 2023, Dr. Nahayo Sylvere, the Mayor of Kamonyi District, eloquently highlighted the district’s progress, emphasizing collaborative efforts with NGOs and partners in delivering services and support across diverse programs.

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in South Korea, Global Civic Sharing (GCS) is a well-known development aid organization that focuses on supporting underprivileged communities in various countries. With operations in Vietnam, East Timor, Mongolia, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Myanmar, and Kenya, GCS is dedicated to fostering sustainable development and empowering communities worldwide.

A profound perspective from a Rwanda Police representative, highlighting that the safeguarding of citizens’ funds is the cornerstone of national security


GCS not only helped us create Self-Help Groups (SHGs), but their support has empowered us to stand independently, igniting transformative change. Ready to cherish the memories and carry their impact forward


GCS Country Representative joins the troupe and DASSO in a dance of unity, turning moments into memories that resonate long after the celebration


A heartwarming moment as a Police representative joins a vibrant troupe, bridging gaps and celebrating togetherness at the event